Need to make a complaint?
We really hope that you are satisfied with the service you have received from us.
I f you aren't happy with us, for any reason, our complaints policy explains how you can let us know.
Our principles
Brighter Horizons strives to provide the highest standards of service possible in order to meet service users’ present and future requirements. For this reason, we welcome comments, compliments or complaints so that we can address any concerns and resolve any shortcomings, should they arise.
Our commitment
We will:
Endeavour to provide an immediate resolution for minor complaints or incidents, and where possible, a course of action within 24 hours.
Acknowledge all written complaints within 3 working days from the date of receiving the complaint. Should you need help putting your complaint in writing we will be happy to help or put you in contact with an independent body that will assist you.
Investigate all written complaints and report on the outcomes to the complainant within 14 working days, except where the nature of the complaint is such that an investigation would take longer.
Agree in conjunction with the complainant the course of action to remedy any complaint.
Keep a full written record of the nature and details of the complaint received, and the action taken to resolve it.
Record all complaints centrally, which enables us to identify patterns. We carry out an annual audit of all complaints received.
How to make a complaint
In the event you find cause for complaint with our service or with a member of our staff, please following procedure to help us deal with your grievance quickly and effectively:
If your complaint can be resolved quickly by talking to someone please speak immediately to the most senior member of staff on duty at the time. They will do all they can to resolve your complaint at the time. You can contact us during normal day service hours on 020 8698 8858.
If your complaint is of a more serious nature about the way you have been treated, or with any aspect of our service, or you are unhappy with the conduct of a particular staff member please put your complaint in writing to us by emailing it to or by post to Brighter Horizons, Downham Community Centre, 2 Shroffold Road, Bromley BR1 5PE.
If you are unable to put your complaint in writing for any reason, please ask to speak to the Chief Executive about your concerns and they will arrange for an advocate or another staff member to record it for you.
Upon receiving your complaint
We will:
Log all of the details in our complaints file and a record will be placed on the service user's file (if relevant). We will record the date, the name of the person making the complaint, the specific details of the complaint and the details of any initial action or conversations. Full details of any investigation, the outcome and action taken to reach a satisfactory conclusion will also be fully recorded.
Assign a senior member of staff to investigate your complaint. This is likely to include a full discussion with you and any other persons who may be involved. At this stage, it may be necessary for us to take a written statement of events from you. At every stage you can expect to be treated in a polite and courteous manner.
If your complaint is in relation to a specific member of staff, take all reasonable steps to minimise contact between them and the service user concerned. In the event of a formal allegation of gross misconduct, the Chief Executive may decide to temporarily suspend the member of staff concerned.
Upon completion of an investigation, communicate our findings in writing along with any actions already taken and our proposals to resolve the complaint. This may include internal action to review our procedures where necessary in order to help prevent further similar occurrences in the future. We will then agree, in conjunction with the complainant, any further action to remedy the complaint to a satisfactory conclusion.
Appealing our decision
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint you should submit a written appeal to the Chair of the Board of Trustees within 14 days of receipt of the written outcome of our investigation. You can do so by email to or by post to The Chair of the Board, Brighter Horizons, Downham Community Centre, 2 Shroffold Road, Bromley BR1 5PE.
The Chair of the Board will assign an independent trustee to review your appeal and report back to you in writing within 14 days.
If you are still unhappy with the outcome of your appeal, you may wish to complain directly to the London Borough of Lewisham by sending your complaint in writing to FREEPOST, Adult social care complaints, Lewisham Council, Town Hall, Catford SE6 4RU or by calling 020 8314 6131.